The ALRyada Center of Excellence (ACoE) outlines a promising and doable path as a
successful model for others, hoping to offer pertinent training and boundless opportunities
to those they assist in scientific innovation and entrepreneurship. Our leadership
responsibilities entail the national and international recognition of the ACoE in its plan
path. The ACoE also understands the significance and worth of becoming a role model
for similar centers. The potential for success when our vision comes to pass is as great
as the stakes. The ALRyada Center of Excellence (ACoE) in conjunction with the
university’s faculties and their programs serve as an education model in science,
technology, medical, engineering, and humanities.
The ALRyada Center of Excellence (ACoE) aspires to be a global education leader.
The ALRyada Center of Excellence’s (ACoE) mission is to guarantee student success
in a global society by providing safe, inventive, inclusive, and data-driven programs
and university’s faculties that are in line with both local and global visions.
Through its local and international programs, the ALRyada Center of Excellence
(ACoE) is actively involved in serving both its communities and the larger educational
The highly qualified and motivated staff at the ALRyada Center of Excellence (ACoE),
along with the support of involved parents, board members, and stakeholders, are
responsible for the institution’s stellar reputation. They make sure students meet the
highest academic standards.
Ethical principles ought to guide our decision-making and interpersonal interactions.
1. Integrity
Through bold action and adherence to a strong moral compass, we hope to inspire
confidence in our intentions and abilities.
2. Excellence
Our community of learners is supported in its practice of ongoing innovation,
collaboration, and growth as we strive toward excellence.
3. Leadership
Based on the values of honesty, responsibility, decency, and open communication, we
demonstrate strong leadership as trailblazers, pacesetters, and cultivators.
4. Inclusivity
To achieve exceptional outcomes in the field of education, we will take advantage of
our diverse and inclusive community.
1. Student Success
Boost enrichment programs and academic programs offered by faculty members to
ensure that students succeed in the areas of social, behavioral, and academic
2. Business/Fiscal
Preserve financial stability while pursuing a variety of outside funding sources to foster
3. Staffing
Find, train, and keep a diverse, creative, adaptable, and highly qualified workforce.
4. Organizational Effectiveness
Foster a shared commitment to our shared vision, mission, and goals by communicating with and involving our students, staff, families, and community
1. Student Success
Objective 1
According to the Annual Faculty Dashboard (AFD), faculties will show consistent gains in student mastery across the board.
Objective 2
Faculty members will assist students in social learning (SL) to improve their capacity for selfcontrol, fortify their relationships with others, and develop healthy coping mechanisms.
Objective 3
Academic faculties will create a stronger education component that develops upon itself in courses.
Objective 4
Each faculty year, faculties will provide academic and extracurricular programs to further the goal of developing global citizens.
2. Business/Fiscal
Objective 1
The university’s faculties will keep a minimum of 45 days’ worth of cash on hand, or 12.33%
of total funds.
Objective 2
Funding that is the most restrictive (categorical, one-time, special education, grants, etc.) will
be used first, in accordance with funding requirements and as authorized by the University
Objective 3
Set a sustainable priority for staff compensation, which includes rewards and benefits.
Objective 4
The Board of Trustees will organize an annual fundraising campaign to help meet the
ALRyada Center of Excellence’s (ACoE) identified needs.
3. Staffing
Objective 1
Evaluate both recent and ongoing hiring initiatives to make sure that a diverse and highly qualified workforce is filling all roles.
Objective 2
Create a thorough succession plan for important roles.
Objective 3
Align with the strategic plan and goals by investing in the professional development of ACoE
board members, administration, and classified and certificated staff.
Objective 4
The ALRyada Center of Excellence (ACoE) will raise and/or sustain organizational staff
retention rates as evaluated on an annual basis.
4. Organizational Effectiveness
Objective 1
The Executive Team and Board of ACoE will actively inform our community partners of our
Objective 2
According to yearly surveys of staff, parents, and students, it is to improve ongoing
communication with stakeholders.