TV interview with the Dean of the Faculty of Nursing on Al-Jadaan Program

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Every student experiences some degree of growth in ALRYADA Faculty of Nursing. From knowledge, to critical thinking skills, and even emotional intelligence. ALRYADA Faculty of Nursing challenges students to think critically in all scenarios to train their minds to think like a nurse. Through these learning opportunities many students change the way they approach situations. A big part of nursing is keeping your composure even during the toughest of situations. Nursing students grow their emotional intelligence during our faculty as they face new experiences and patient interactions. ALRYADA Faculty of Nursing can also test your limits though dealing with the stress of exams and studying. Just remember, you get out of faculty what you put into it! You are building your mind, skills, and ability!

Everyone needs support at some point in their life. Faculty of Nursing is a huge commitment and can sometimes seem overwhelming if you do not have a strong support system in place. Never forget, the staff and faculty are here for YOU! Whether it’s for a pep-talk, tutoring, or even to vent… never hesitate to stop by! There are so many resources available to assist and support your journey through faculty – take advantage of them! Visit your dean and meet student mentors, you will be happy you did! And remember… you can also be that source of support for your classmates too!

How often do we get something right on our very first try? Isn’t it so comforting knowing that you have a simulation lab to practice your nursing skills before applying them to a live patient? There are so many different scenarios that can happen out in the clinical setting, and ALRYADA Faculty of Nursing simulation labs offer opportunities to simulate and practice skills and assessments to build your knowledge and experience! Take advantage of the opportunities you have in the simulation lab; these are helping you build your skills and confidence!

No matter what you are doing in life, always set goals for yourself. This can help you stay on track and “keep your eyes on the prize”. Often our biggest critics are ourselves, remember to set goals that are realistic for yourself. ALRYADA Faculty of Nursing is a great place to better yourself and your skills to prepare for that dream job. It is ok to make mistakes as long as you are learning from them. Use all the tools available to you to help reach your goals. Take extra time to study. Don’t study until you get it right, study until you can’t get it wrong!

Study Plan
Study Plan

Study Plan

This is where you embark on your journey to study Nursing with a focus on Fundamentals of Nursing and basic medical sciences
In the second year, you will advance from First Year, delving into more essential medical and surgical knowledge and skills to provide holistic nursing care for adult patients.
In this year, your studies will become focused, providing you with theoretical knowledge and the provision of nursing care to women during both normal and abnormal aspects of the maternity cycle.
In the final year, you'll study the principles and concepts of mental health psychopathology, different treatment modalities, and related nursing care for patients and their families. Critical thinking, problem-solving, and nursing processes will be used skillfully to provide patient-centered care and safety in collaboration with the health care team.
Internships (Fifth Level)
Following successful completion of the four years in the undergraduate nursing program, the student must spend one year of hospital-based internship period in recognized hospitals that can offer specified clinical experiences to meets the objectives of the internship program.


Dean of Faculty of Nursing Prof / Najla Abdel Mawgoud

Career Opportunities

A list of nursing jobs that span the spectrum of career opportunities for people with nursing degrees:
1.General nurse practitioner.
2.Certified nurse midwife.
3.Certified registered nurse anesthetist.
4.Dean of nursing
5.Gerontological nurse practitioner.
6.Family nurse practitioner.
7.School nurse.
8.Nurse educator.
9.Nurse life-care planner.
10.Home health nurse.
11.Telemedicine nurse.
12.Nursing informatics.
13.Clinical social worker.
14.Nurse health coach.
15.Public health nurse.
16.Occupational nurse.
17.Medical writer.
18.Physical therapist.
19.Psychiatric nurse.

Academic degrees

The Faculty of Nursing offers bachelor of Nursing Sciences with a credit hour system based on competencies.
The Bachelor of Nursing program was created to provide knowledge, skills, and scientific expertise in the field of nursing sciences that help graduate qualified nurses capable of meeting the nursing care needs of the individual, the family, and community through theoretical and practical study.

Our degree is characterized by:

1- Preparing scientific competencies and qualified cadres in nursing.

2- Enhancing students’ abilities in effective professional communication and communication with colleagues, patients, the community, and members of the health team.

3- Raising health awareness by enhancing students’ leadership role in society and their participation in improving the quality of health care and keeping pace with professional developments.

4- Providing students with the necessary information, skills and attitudes and solving problems related to their future work.

5- Preparing nurses who possess the required professional ethics and morals, who believe in the values ​​of work perfection and honesty, and who are able to adapt and work in a team spirit.

6- Preparing students capable of dealing with information technology and the modern techniques used.

7- Providing advanced curricula compatible with international curricula.


Academic Year 2024 - 2025

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